Should applemake a line of macs for gaming
Should applemake a line of macs for gaming

should applemake a line of macs for gaming

Mark my words: Steve is going to do to video what he's doing to audio. I honestly don't see what Apple gains from this, nor what we'd gain from it, except for the passing thrill of having one more thing with a glowing Apple logo on it. And how many people would want to have to buy an Apple TV to get the DVR anyway? What's the point, when you have the functional equivalent of a DVR sitting in your lap? The DVR has even less of a chance in Europe, whose IP laws make the US' look anarchic. Integration? How much integration can you possibly do with a TV? I can think of all kinds of cool stuff you could do with a DVR, all of which would bring down a host of lawyers from the entertainment industry-who would win, by the way, unless the presiding judge took the rare stance of proclaiming much the last 18 years of US copyright law unconstitutional (not that I'd mind.). Slick design? Apple's idea of a slick design these days is to make the components vanish so that all you see is the screen. It's fast becoming commodified, leaving no room for Apple to compete (yeah, Apple uses commodity components, but the platform is not a commodity). Any DVI-capable HDTV already works with your Mac as slickly as it's going to. Why would they make a DVR, when the current ones are marginally profitable and under a more or less continuous legal threat? Not to mention a fundamentally crude and retrofitted time delay, however slicked up. Why would they piss off all the companies that make them, when they'll want to work with them? Why would Apple, which aims to turn users into producers, make a boob tube?

Should applemake a line of macs for gaming